Thursday, March 22, 2012

Garden Seeds!

These are soooo awesome! I'm totally recommending these to anyone who is wanting to get a garden going as another way to supplement their food storage. Then all you have to do is harvest, can & you're done! :-) All seeds are non-hybrid, so you know that your veggies are safe from garden to table. One can of THRIVE Garden Vegetable Seeds can give you a huge amount of wholesome veggies for your family that are delicious both when canned or fresh. :-)

Also included is a Planting, Harvesting, and Seed Collecting Guide that will help you to develop your awesome garden.

Can Contents:

Contender Bush Bean seeds (2 envelopes - 226.8 g each)
Detroit Dark Red Beet seeds (7.087 g)
Golden Acre Cabbage seeds (1.984 g)
Scarlet Nantes Carrot seeds (7.087 g)
Golden Bantum 8 Corn seeds (113.4 g)
Straight Eight Cucumber seeds (1.984 g)
Salad Bowl Green Leaf Lettuce seeds (3.685 g)
Utah Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion seeds (1.984 g)
Green Arrow Pea seeds (2 envelopes - 226.8 g each)
Sweet Yolo Wonder L Pepper seeds (0.2 g)
Champion Radish seeds (9.355 g)
Boomsdale Long Standing Spinach seeds (7.087 g)
Zucchini Black Beauty Summer Squash seeds (1.984 g)
Sweet Meat Winter Squash (3.685 g)
Rutgers Tomato seeds (0.1 g)


#10 can: $38.69
Case (6 cans): $220.49

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